When you commit to cosmetic dental work, you can commit to a treatment that will lead to noticeable, long-lasting improvements to your smile you are eager to share! When you start to discuss your cosmetic treatment options at our Upton, MA dentist’s office, you can find that there are several benefits you can gain by choosing your restore your smile with porcelain veneers. These slim restorations are capable of producing many smile improvements at one time, and they can effectively completely restore your appearance. In addition to offering support for many different problems, their durable porcelain design can ensure that they remain in good condition over many years.

1. Veneers Offer Long-Term Improvements With Only Small Changes To Your Tooth Structure

Veneers are designed to be slim enough that they only require minimal changes to your tooth structure in order to be placed. Unlike dental crowns, which completely cover teeth above the gum line, veneers only occupy space on the fronts of your teeth. To make sure that they fit properly and look natural, your dentist will closely measure your teeth at an initial appointment. The measurements taken will be used to plan the design of your veneers.

2. Veneers Can Address Several Problems In One Treatment

When porcelain veneers are put in place on your teeth, what kind of improvements can they deliver? These slim shells are used to help with discolored teeth, problems with gradual wear and tear, damage, and even trouble with poor smile alignment! Because so many improvements can be gained from a single procedure, you can find that this one treatment conveniently gives you all of the smile improvements you hoped to see.

3. Veneers Are Designed To Provide Long-Term Improvements

While they boast a slim design, veneers are strong enough to provide long-lasting improvements. The porcelain substance used to make them can hold up against years of wear and tear inflicted by biting and chewing. Because of this, they can be counted on to give you an improved smile that you continue to eagerly show off. Another cosmetic procedure, tooth bonding, can address many of the same concerns as veneers, and it can do so with fewer changes to your tooth structure. With that said, many people choose veneers because they are confident in the long-term value of their treatment.

Talk To Your Upton, MA Dentist’s Office About Veneers!

Dr. Goguen is ready to help patients who want to do something about the way they look when they smile. If you have questions about treatment with porcelain veneers, or if you would like to discuss any other services that we provide, please contact Upton Dental at 508-529-4591 to schedule a visit. In addition to cosmetic work, we are also ready to help you prevent or address oral health issues that can affect your appearance and well-being.


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