Are you having a hard time remembering the last time you saw a dentist? If so, are you certain that it has been more than a year? If so, you are actually already overdue for key preventive care. Most dentists agree that patients should schedule dental checkups and cleanings at least twice a year, to keep their smiles cavity-free and safe from other dental problems, including gum disease. If you are overdue for dental care, why not call your dentist today, to schedule your next preventive checkup?
Enjoy Great Oral Health with Regular Preventive Care
One of the easiest and most important ways to protect your smile from cavities and other oral health threats is to schedule regular preventive dental checkups and cleanings. Many people don’t realize that once bacteria have calcified onto the teeth it can only be removed through a professional cleaning. This is why regular cleanings are so important. The sooner this happens, the less likely the bacteria is to create acidic erosion that can cause sensitivity and eventually cavities. Regular dental cleanings can also help to prevent bacteria from inflaming and irritating the gums, potentially leading to gingivitis, which is the first stage of gum disease.
Don’t Ignore Signs of Oral Health Threats
Of course, it’s also important to keep in mind that you might need to see the dentist even more frequently, particularly if you have already noticed warning signs of trouble. Heightened tooth sensitivity, for instance, is often an early warning sign that a cavity has developed. Dental pain is another common indicator of oral health problems. Gums that bleed easily, for instance when flossing, are another potential indicator of oral health threats.
Need to Schedule a Dental Cleaning?
Regular preventive visits help to keep the teeth and gums healthy. To learn more, or to schedule your next preventive checkup, call our family dental office in Upton, MA, today at 508-529-4591. We proudly welcome patients from all surrounding communities, including, Grafton, Hopedale, Whitinsville, and more.