If someone were to walk up to you and ask if you have untreated bruxism disorder, there are so many ways you might respond (and there may be a variety of true answers to be had). Here’s what we’d like for you to remember about this functional problem that can affect just about anyone: It’s often confusing when you first learn about it, you will very quickly begin to understand what it is, and we can most definitely treat it! So, take a moment out of your day to become more familiar with bruxism and bruxism treatment with our Upton, MA team!
Do You Have Bruxism Disorder?
The question “do you have bruxism?” can be a tricky one. Here’s why: You may have been diagnosed already, so you can say yes. Or, you may not have been diagnosed, so you just assume the answer is no! Or, you think you may have it but you’re confusing it with something else. Let us help you:
- First, the best way to determine whether any type of issue is affecting your oral health is to come in for your twice-a-year dental checkups
- Next, you may not know whether you have bruxism or not because it’s something that can happen without you realizing it (you may grind or clench without even feeling it happen or you may do so in your sleep)
- You may have some sort of discomfort that you think is related to chronic grinding and clenching but is actually the result of something else
- As mentioned, come in for preventive visits and call us when any type of discomfort or new symptom occurs, so we may offer bruxism treatment or other appropriate care
Have You Experienced Any Damage?
Now, let’s say you know that you have bruxism disorder. An important question is whether you are dealing with any type of damage. Perhaps it’s been going on for some time and has led to some amount of chipping or fracturing of your teeth. Maybe you have avoided it! The good news? We can offer bruxism treatment to stop the disorder from causing any further problems. We can also offer restorative or cosmetic care to address damage if it has already occurred.
When Can You Come In For Care?
When can you come in? The sooner you receive bruxism treatment, the better!
Seek Bruxism Treatment With Us Soon
Protect yourself and your oral health by coming in for a diagnosis and bruxism treatment, when you realize your smile needs extra support. To learn more, call our family dental office in Upton, MA, today at 508-529-4591. We proudly welcome patients from all surrounding communities, including, Grafton, Hopedale, Whitinsville, and more.