Cushion Your Teeth For Daily Comfort
If you notice you experience jaw soreness or pain in your teeth – particularly upon waking – you may suffer from bruxism. If Dr. Shah and Dr. Kashyap diagnoses you with bruxism, she will offer customized treatment to protect you against future damage, while improving daily comfort.
What Is Bruxism and How Do You Treat It?
Bruxism is another term for teeth grinding or clenching. This disorder can lead to permanent damage, which often begins with the following symptoms:
- Teeth grinding or teeth clenching, often at night
- Worn tooth surfaces
- Headaches
- Tongue or inner cheek injury
- Earaches
- Pain in your face
- Sensitive teeth
- Jaw soreness
We will treat bruxism with oral appliance therapy. Dr. Shah and Dr. Kashyap will provide you with a custom-fitted device similar to a mouth guard. You will wear this soft appliance while you sleep to cushion your teeth.
What Are The Benefits Of Treatment?
Oral appliance therapy is a preventive dentistry method of treating bruxism. Our goal is to assist you in achieving improved comfort, while avoiding future damage to the structures affected by teeth grinding. These include your teeth, tongue, interior cheeks, and jaw joints. Consider the additional benefits:
- Treatment is noninvasive and comfortable
- You can continue treatment for an extended duration without side effects common to medication
- You can stop the erosion of your teeth surfaces to preserve the health and structure of teeth, while avoiding the need for future restorative or cosmetic treatments
Do I Qualify As A Candidate For Bruxism Treatment?
If you are aware that you grind or clench your teeth, or if you simply suffer from the associated symptoms, you make a wonderful candidate for treatment. The sooner you speak with Dr. Shah and Dr. Kashyap, the sooner we can help you achieve improved daily comfort.
At the practice of Dr. Shah and Dr. Kashyap, we look forward to meeting you. Please contact us today to schedule an appointment, Call or text. Located in Upton, we proudly serve patients from our hometown, as well as those from Grafton, Hopedale, Whitinsville, and surrounding communities. Our office is a few minutes away from 495 and our hours are covenient for commuters.