No one wants to get to the dentist’s office, only to discover that a cavity has already developed. Fortunately, if a cavity is diagnosed early on, your dentist can likely help to protect your tooth, and your comfort, with a minimally invasive dental filling. While these fillings were once almost always made of metal, now many dentists offer more seamless solutions instead. That means that it is possible to smile confidently even after being diagnosed with a dental cavity. You simply need to talk to your restorative dentist about how a seamless solution could help.

What Causes Cavities, and How Can Restoration Help?

Dental cavities are most often formed due to a lack of dental hygiene or professional cleanings, a diet high in sugar, which contributes to acidic erosion, or due to teeth that had already become fragile because of genetic factors or underlying medical conditions.

Fortunately, if your cavity is caught early on, minimally invasive treatment could likely still be effective at preventing any discomfort, as well as the possibility of infection.

Plus, modern fillings can be made to look natural, as well, allowing for renewed confidence when smiling.

Enjoy Renewed Confidence and Improved Comfort with a Dental Filling

Modern fillings can be made of a composite resin material, rather than metal. This material bonds tightly with teeth, creating a great seal against exposure to bacteria and food particles. It also conducts less heat than metal, making it a more comfortable solution for most patients.

That said, for many the most obvious benefit of choosing a composite resin filling is that it can be carefully crafted to look natural.

Need Restorative Dentistry?

Dr. Janet Goguen, DMD, provides a number of restorative services to help protect smiles against dental issues. Call our office in Upton, MA, today at 508-529-4591 to schedule your restorative visit. We proudly welcome patients from all surrounding communities, including, Grafton, Hopedale, Whitinsville, and more.


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