Do you know what to do when you look in the mirror and notice that your gums don’t look like they usually do? What if they just feel different? Should you just continue on as usual, assuming all will go back to normal? Or, should you contact our Upton, MA team, letting us know that you may need care for gum disease? Remember, when you think something is up with your gums, taking swift action is always the best plan. Learn more about the details, so you know how to react, should you experience signs and symptoms that suggest you need help with your gum health.

Visible Changes

If you’re having a problem with your gum health, you may notice some particular changes that are often attributed to gum disease. However, remember that because gingivitis can begin without obvious symptoms, it’s always important to come in for your checkups! Now, as for the things you may recognize as being “off” when you look in the mirror if your gingival tissue’s health isn’t exactly on track:

  • Your gum tissue should look pink but it might look red or purple instead
  • You might notice that your gums don’t look like they usually do but look swollen instead
  • Your gums may bleed when you brush your smile

Changes In Sensation

In addition to the fact that your gum tissue may look different when you’re experiencing a gum problem, you may also experience physical sensation changes when gum disease is affecting you. Again, remember that you may feel perfectly fine for a while, so seeing us for preventive visits is always important even if you think all is well. However, if you notice any of the following, it means you should contact us ASAP, rather than waiting for your next checkup:

  • Your gums may feel tender or sore
  • You might notice that when you eat, your gums or teeth hurt
  • You may feel that you have bad breath and, no matter what you do, it lingers

Calling Us Up!

Fortunately, we offer treatments like ultrasonic scaling and gum contouring for serious gum health problems. Even better? Our team includes an on-site periodontist, so you can come right on in for gum health help, should you need it. If you know you need help with your gums or even if you’re not sure at all, call us and come in! It’s worth the trip.

See Us Soon For Help With Your Gum Health

When you notice any type of change with your gum tissue, it’s time to contact our practice for a checkup and any required follow up treatment. To learn more, call our family dental office in Upton, MA, today at 508-529-4591. We proudly welcome patients from all surrounding communities, including, Grafton, Hopedale, Whitinsville, and more.


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