Anyone who struggles with bad breath can worry about the way the problem might affect them socially, but this problem can also be a sign that something may be wrong with your oral health. Those who suffer from persistent halitosis may be using breath mints to cover up evidence of gum disease, poor hygiene, or even a cavity! Your Upton, MA dentist’s office is prepared to help individuals who find themselves at a loss for why this issue so often affects them. Through consistent dental exams, you can receive support to help you stay safe against the buildup of food debris and bacteria that contribute to breath problems. We can also make sure that an unresolved issue with gum disease or tooth decay is addressed.
Several Oral Health Issues Can Be Linked To Bad Breath
Bad breath can have more than one cause. As an isolated experience, it can be written off as nothing more than the consequence of a meal with strong odors. If it affects you on a frequent basis, or seems difficult to avoid, the problem may have its roots in an oral health issue. Poor hygiene is certainly a possible cause, but this problem may also be a sign that you have a cavity that has gone untreated. Foul or strong breath may also serve as a warning that you are affected by gingivitis.
Bad Breath And Gum Disease
Bad breath is one of several issues connected to gum disease that you should be aware of. You may also be struggling with a sensitivity to bleeding, or find yourself with swollen or discolored tissues. Gingivitis can be addressed through better oral hygiene, particularly when you focus on cleaning at the base of your teeth. The problem can also be addressed through a periodontal cleaning that occurs during a dental checkup.
Tips To Prevent Future Struggles With Chronic Bad Breath
Take some time to think about what you are currently doing to clean your teeth, and how your routine might benefit from more consistency or thoroughness. If you are not doing so already, you should always brush your teeth for at least two minutes, and use that time to clean every area as thoroughly as you can. You should also be sure to clean between your teeth by flossing. As a result of better habits, you can have fewer problems with bad breath – you can also find yourself less likely to struggle with problems that require dental fillings and dental crowns.
Tell Your Upton, MA Dentist About Your Troubles With Chronic Bad Breath
At our Upton, MA dentist’s office, patients who worry about chronic bad breath can find out what connection their problem has to their oral health during a routine exam. If you would like to find out more, please call Dr. Goguen’s Upton dental practice at 508-529-4591.