Your toothbrush can offer you exceptionally effective cleansing during dental care. It can help you remove a significant amount of sticky, unpleasant, bacteria-filled plaque that coats your smile on a daily basis. Remember, as you remove that plaque, you stop it from turning into something called tartar, which is very hard and which can also contribute to the formation of tooth decay and gingivitis, just like plaque does. What you want is a brush that’s very, very effective, so your smile is clean, healthy, and smells nice. So, how do you know if your toothbrush is giving you everything your oral health needs or not? Our Upton, MA can help you better understand the details!

You’re Demolishing It With Just A Few Uses

Your toothbrush is in pristine condition when you first take it out of the package. You apply toothpaste to it and you brush. Ah, how it cleanses thoroughly, helping you reach nearly each bit of plaque, which helps you reveal a clean smile at the end of your dental care session. However, if you’re someone who brushes very hard, then you’re probably noticing splayed bristles within just a few uses. Unfortunately, this isn’t great! It means you’re compromising the structure and also the effectiveness of the toothbrush itself. It also means you’re brushing too aggressively, which is bad for your oral health. So, go much gentler as you brush (and start over with a fresh one) for optimal cleansing.

It Hasn’t Been Replaced In A Long Time

You have probably heard this before: If you want your dental care to work, then the brushing part that you practice at home has to include a brush that’s actually doing a good job. Otherwise, cavities will probably develop. Since you’re taking the time to brush and doing your best for your oral health, then why not make sure your brush is as effective as possible? One way to ensure this? Make sure it’s only a few months old, otherwise, it’s too old.

You’re Letting It Get Dirty!

If you’re not letting your brush dry (in the open air) between uses, then you’re letting bacteria run rampant and multiply. If you’re putting that not-very-clean brush back into your mouth, then you’re not doing your oral health any favors! To be sure you’re on track, we remind you to rinse the brush clean when you’re through and to then place it bristles-up in a cup on your counter! Have questions about dental care details? Just ask during your next checkup. 

Protect Your Smile With Easy Hygiene Tips

Don’t forget to come in for dental checkups and cleanings twice annually, not only to receive the preventive care you require from our professional team but also to ask questions to help support your smile at home. To learn more, call our family dental office in Upton, MA, today at 508-529-4591. We proudly welcome patients from all surrounding communities.


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