Dental crowns are tasked with an important job. They must remain securely over a problem tooth to both protect it from infection or damage, and to act on its behalf whenever you bite and chew. To do these jobs effectively, a crown should be carefully constructed to fit comfortably without bothering your neighboring teeth. While many dental offices need to rely on third party dental labs to produce custom crowns, our Upton, MA dentist’s office is actually able to produce same-day dental crowns for our patients! With our CEREC technology, we can create and place a dental crown for you in just one day. Because of this, we can have your oral health needs fully addressed after you suffer a cavity or dental injury in less time than you expect.

Same-Day Crowns Make Restorative Treatment More Convenient

Same-day crowns make it possible to fully restore a problem tooth without the use of a temporary restoration, and without the need to bring you in for multiple visits. This makes the process of caring for your smile more convenient, as the process is shorter and less involved for you. We are able to cut out the need for a follow-up visit because we have technology that lets us closely measure teeth and produce restorations that are ready to provide years of dependable support.

Creating And Placing Your Dental Crown

We use digital imaging technology to measure a tooth before making a digital design of the dental crown you will receive. Once the design is done, we can produce a ceramic crown with the milling machine located in our office. The ceramic material is a strong visual match for healthy tooth enamel, which means you will not have to worry about it drawing unwanted attention. It is still durable enough to provide the necessary functional support to preserve your natural bite. Without that ability, you would be more vulnerable to TMJ issues that lead to pain and habitual teeth grinding, and you could overuse other teeth and make them more vulnerable to trouble.

How Regular Visits Make Future Dental Problems Less Likely

Regular dental visits provide you with valuable feedback about your oral health, and they make significant dental problems less likely to occur. They reduce the risk for advanced problems because Dr. Goguen can identify signs of dental decay when there is still time to restore your tooth with a custom dental filling. Fillings take up less space than crowns, which means more of your healthy tooth structure is not changed during treatment.

Receive A Same-Day Dental Crown At Our Upton, MA Dentist’s Office!

Because we provide same-day dental crowns to our patients, we are able to act quickly when fully resolving problems with your smile! To learn more about our practice and the services we offer, contact Upton Dental at 508-529-4591 to schedule a visit.


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