If you are unable to sleep through the night without grinding your teeth, you could be at risk for serious dental damage. This condition, known as bruxism, can lead to your teeth looking chipped or cracked, and generally worn down. This is more than just a concern for your smile – if the damages are serious enough, it can lead to oral health concerns! Fortunately, your Upton, MA dentist can provide you with a custom oral appliance that will keep your smile safe from potential damage linked to bruxism. After receiving this custom guard, you can once again rest without concerns of pain or enamel damage.

Nightly Teeth Grinding Can Have Serious Consequences

The force your jaw can exert should concern you if you grind your teeth. Because you are not conscious to stop this reflexive clenching from occurring, you can put significant pressure on your teeth during a typical night. Over time, that can lead to teeth becoming worn or misshapen. It can also lead to issues with damage that can leave teeth vulnerable to infection. The more time you spend grinding your teeth without treatment, the more likely you are to have consequences that call for restorative dental work!

Dealing With Bruxism Before Permanent Tooth Damage Occurs

If you often wake up with pain and sensitivity in your face and jaw, your dentist can help. Scheduling a consultation or bringing this problem up at a routine dental exam can lead to you receiving a custom guard that keeps your teeth separated during the night. While you are asleep, you will not be physically able to put pressure on your upper or lower teeth. If you respond to your concerns in time, you can have this protection before you might require restorative or cosmetic dental work.

What If I Already Have Chipped Or Cracked Teeth?

If you have already damaged your enamel, we can determine what kind of procedure might be right for you. More superficial damages can be addressed with a cosmetic dental procedure. With porcelain veneers, we can cover up chips, cracks, and general wear and tear so that your smile looks healthy, youthful, and attractive. If damage is a concern for your oral health already, we can cap damaged teeth with custom dental crowns.

Talk To Your Upton, MA Dentist About Bruxism

At our dental office in Upton, MA, we are prepared to help patients keep their teeth safe from harm. If you have experienced damage because of bruxism, or if you are aware that you have a teeth grinding problem, we can help! You can find out more about our services, or discuss our approach to general oral health care, by contacting Upton Dental at 508-529-4591 to schedule a visit.


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