You might not realize that you’re doing some things incorrectly as you floss during dental hygiene sessions. At first, this may not strike you as a very big deal. Who cares, you might think to yourself, I’m flossing, so I’m sure it’s good enough! The truth is, if you’re missing some key factors throughout the process, you may cause discomfort, damage, missed plaque, and you might find the whole thing to be more frustrating than it has to be. Why not opt for comfortable, effective care instead? It’s something our Upton, MA team can make possible with a little extra help!

You’re Being Too Forceful

We want patients to remember that it’s possible you’re being too forceful when you’re flossing! As you know from hearing us say over and over, you really want your dental hygiene and all aspect of your dental care to be nice and gentle. So, with this in mind, remember, there’s no trick to it! Just don’t pop or snap floss in place or press it too far into your gums. Just gently begin beneath your gumline. Easy.

You’re Not Bending The Floss To The Side

In order to do your best job with your dental hygiene as you strive to prevent gum disease and tooth decay, you’ll need to not only move the floss up and down but you’ll need to gently bend it to one side, so you’re placing gentle pressure against the edge of one tooth. Then, you’ll do the same thing to the neighboring tooth edge. You will drag the floss along each edge, so you can thoroughly remove plaque and debris.

You’re Using Too Small A Piece

If you’re using a small piece of dental floss for your dental hygiene, you’re going to find that this become a very frustrating thing to try to accomplish! You need more than enough, so you can successfully cleanse between teeth without using the same spot twice. Tear off about a foot and a half of floss and you’ll be good to go!

You’re Using The Wrong Fingers

Remember that when you come in for a dental visit with our team, we will be happy to walk you through best practices in dental flossing! For now, however, we offer you some helpful reminders and tips! Wind floss around middle fingers and then move it about by gripping it with your forefingers and thumbs!

Make Your Smile Care Even Better

Tell us if you think you’re having a problem getting through any aspect of your home dental care successfully. Remember that with some little tweaks and simple tips, you can dramatically improve your dental hygiene! To learn more, call our family dental office in Upton, MA, today at 508-529-4591. We proudly welcome patients from all surrounding communities.


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